I don’t know why, but I can’t seem to get enough string beans lately. Fresh, organic and abundant everywhere on Maui, they call to me. I simply cook them in a sauce pan with about an inch of water.

When they are tender the way I like them (about 10 min at most), I transfer them into a serving dish and add a pat of Raw Organic Pasteur Butter, which according to past and recent food studies, is the most healthy way to deliver the vital nutrients from vegetables to your cells.  Top with delicious Celtic Sea Salt and fresh ground pepper and you will be a happy camper.  Seriously, it does not get better than this!

Here are some variations for toppings:

Barlean’s High Lignan Flax Oil


Olive Oil

Organic Pasteur Butter (if you don’t have raw)

Coconut Oil (not my favorite on most vegetables, but luscious on yams, sweet potatoes, and squash)


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