Not to boast or exaggerate, but this dressing literally started my cooking career. As a matter of fact all of my special dressings started the whole thing. I realized that if people had a good dressing they would eat almost anything good for them - that they may not ordinarily eat. Try this dressing and make a double batch. You will be glad you did!



1⁄2 cup        Flax Oil Barlean’s High Lignan is best (Olive Oil can be replaced if preferred, but will have different taste)

1⁄4 cup        fresh lemon juice (or juice of a whole lemon)

1⁄4 cup        water

1⁄4 cup        low sodium wheat free Tamari

2 tbsp          Sesame Tahini

2 tsp            Sea Kelp Powder (this will provide flavor and also thicken mixture)

2 tsp of fresh ginger juice (grate fresh ginger and squeeze out juice), or add small piece of ginger.

1 garlic clove (peeled) - optional dash of cayenne

Blend all ingredients except the oil. Once the ingredients are blended, add the oil slowly while the blender is on low speed.

Enjoy immediately, or chill before serving.

The dressing keeps up to several days in the refrigerator, however, for essential fatty acids to remain in integrity, from the Flax Oil, (or dressings) it should be consumed within 6 weeks.

Note: the dressing will thicken a little over time because of the thickening quality of sea veggies.


