Paul Simon is my new role model. Why, here is a 77 year old man who rocked it for over 3 hours two nights in a row a couple weeks ago on Maui. This type of entertainment takes strength and stamina. Honestly, his voice is not the clearest, but he belted out his tunes with power and passion. The concert was amazing. He danced, played instruments, sang and moved to entertain us like never before. There were a few moments I thought he was done, and thought he surely must be tired. But, no. He just kept going strong.

Mind you, we have excellent musicians here on Maui, and fabulous concerts. The venue is small so they are always intimate. This being said, many of my friends who frequent concerts said it was the best concert ever. Two night in a row he and his band entertained us with a variety of musicality none of us had witnessed. This had to take incredible genius to orchestrate and produce, and it took stamina and a lot of strength and willI to pull it off. I was impressed and still am.

Since I had shingles, my body has taken almost a year to completely rebound, reboot and prepare for the years to come. I believe it takes about a year. to really transform your body (depending on what state you are in). Now, I have a new goal and that is to get even stronger than I was before. Why? Because I want to play and enjoy my life with strong vitality. I want to create and play. Simple. No other reason. Life is just so much better and happier when you live in a strong, vibrant and healthy body.

I am inspired to create a year long reboot, recharge and restore to create a strong and vibrant body. Perhaps you too have experienced an illness or surgery that set you back. Perhaps you just need to ignite a serious preparedness program for aging. No matter what your age, it is time to prepare now. Cast a vision for the future and get ready to prepare for the trip of your lifetime - Aging!

Care to join me? Stay tuned because I am totally turned on. Thank you Paul

Join my “Age Beautifully - Prepare Your Body To Last A Lifetime” A Year Long Mastermind for committed individuals.

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