I am very excited to announce the launch of my new 4-week Dietary Makeover Course!

My DVD, recipes & new audio series are now in an online course for those wanting to make dramatic lifestyle changes.

People who have my DVD's, and many others requested that I make a course that includes all my media materials in a format they can access and integrate into their lives a little at a time. This way, new habits can be formed with a step by step process and positive changes will be lasting.

So, I listened and customized the schedule I use when coaching my clients, and created an on-line format that everyone can access-easily!

This new 4-Week Dietary Makeover is organized with easy instructions that include:

• All of my professional video cooking shows-streaming

• Award winning recipes

• Inspiring audio series

• Shopping lists

• Resources

• Course Curricula

This revolutionary Dietary Makeover online course combines the best of raw food, ancient traditions of cooked foods, and the powerful probiotic rich foods.

There’s no other course that has the comprehensive components laid out in a cohesive simple way for you to access any time, any day at your convenience.

It taps into the latest in health, nutrition and culinary secrets to achieve natural weight loss, a flat tummy, radiant skin, flexible joints and mental clarity. A bonus is satiating enjoyment because the food is so good!

It’s your opportunity to learn in the comfort of your own home, at your own speed, with your own coach.

For one week only, we are offering the course at ½ price discount – only $49.50 – as an Introductory Offer for my existing subscribers and those lucky enough to check my website this week. Sale ends. June 25, 2012

 Learn More Now - Go to: http://www.DietaryMakeover.com, and read what others say about this course. Watch a video clip on the powerful luscious food that’s covered in this course, and find out for yourself how much is offered for so little.